The next thing I looked to declutter was my box of toys and stuffed animals I saved from my childhood.
Do I want to save them for my children? Would they even want them? Would they destroy them? There will be newer toys by the time I have children… Eh! I got rid of them all, except the very few sentimental ones that I could display later.
Why keep them if they weren’t going to be used? At the same time, it was hard because I wouldn’t know if my things would be taken care of like how I took care of them. But nothing was meant to last.
I took pictures of ones I wanted to remember. I do sometimes wish I had kept them, but now that I am older, I don’t care as much. Change will come no matter what. I will choose to remember everything that meant something to me.
Side Note: My mother kept track of and cleaned toys that were still useful, and put them in the living room for her grandkids to play with. That’s something I would like to do later on. Would she like to get rid of everything? Yes! But she uses common sense and consideration for everyone in her life. That’s something I strive to do as well.