One morning I had a vivid dream! I had been thinking a lot about some of my peers in high school and how I think they perceived me, which was negative.
I was self-conscious in school about what I wore, because I chose to be comfortable over trying to impress. It was more related to feeling vulnerable of being judged. I felt frumpy and unattractive wearing sweatshirts, but it kept me feeling safe and sometimes too warm haha. One of my nephews wore his winter jacket into the summer one year. Everyone was confused why, but I knew.
In the dream, there was a challenge that a group of people faced to prove it could be done and they succeeded. There was an after-party where I was and my few high school peers too. Then, they and a handful of selected others from the party were invited to a dance later in the basement. I had made friends with a few of those selected people and they wanted me there.
I got dressed, wearing a long, thick, flowy skirt with a large black tee or grey sweatshirt. I was at the entrance to a long corridor down to the dark basement, but there was security nearby. An old man who was a wizard appeared! He shielded me with his cloak, so I could walk into the corridor undetected.
As I walked down the long winding hall, lit with lights here and there, I took off my black tee or grey sweatshirt to reveal a fitted pink tee. I LOVE the silhouette of the fit-and-flare. I felt very pretty and glided through the hall.
I arrived to the entrance into the dance room. It was huge and not many people were there yet. Not even my peers. They weren’t there to witness my transformation. (They aren’t a part of my life, so why would they?) I found the few friends I made and ran to them.
The dream seems to be me shredding my worries of the past. I felt amazing and confident in the dream.